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  • Internal thesis seminar: “Quick introduction to mediation analysis, previous hobbies and new challenges

Conference Contributions 

Oral presentations

  • 'Additive and multiplicative hazard models in practice – A series of case studies from clinical epidemiology.'  Austro-Swiss Regional Meeting of International Biometric Society (ROeS), Lausanne, 2019

  •  *'Transparent statistical models in the times of machine learning.' Austro-Swiss Regional Meeting of International Biometric Society (ROeS), Lausanne, 2019: *presentation by Georg Heinze

Poster presentations

  • Accepted, but COVID19-cancled – European Causal Inference Meeting (EuroCIM). Oslo: Fixing non-convergence in causal mediation analysis with binary mediators and outcomes

  • Accepted, but COVID19-postponed Meeting of the Society for Epidemiological Research (SER), Boston: Fixing non-convergence in causal mediation analysis with binary mediators and outcomes

  • 'Cox and Aalen Models in Action - A series of cases from clinical epidemiology.' Meeting of the International Society for Clinical Biostatistics (ISCB), Leuven, 2019

  • 'Cox and Aalen Models in Action - A series of cases from clinical epidemiology.' Joint Statistical Meetings (JSM), Denver, 2019

Presentations for a more diverse audience

  • Science lunch at the Center for Public Health: “Mediation analysis in a simple setting and with a time-to-event response”

  • Joint seminar of the Viennese and Styrian-CarinthianBiometric section: “Time-dependent mediators in survival analysis: “Modeling direct and indirect effects with the additive hazards model 

  • SAS DACH community meetings

    • ​‘Causal Modeling – Idea, Rational, Example’ 

    • Summary of our manufacturing project


  • Tian Y, Reichardt B, Dunkler D, Hronsky M, Winkelmayer WC, Bucsics A, Strohmaier S, Heinze G.  Comparative effectiveness of branded vs. generic versions of antihypertensive, lipid-lowering and hypoglycemic substances: a population-wide cohort study. Scientific Reports. 2020, 10:5964;

  •  Aalen OO, Stensrud MJ, Didelez V, Daniel R, Røysland, K, Strohmaier S. Time-dependent mediators in survival analysis: Modelling direct and indirect effects with the additive hazards model. Biometrical Journal, 2019, 1-18;  doi: 10.1002/bimj.201800263

Press releases, articles in popular science journals, newspapers or newsletters

The study on comparative effectiveness of branded vs. generic versions of antihypertensive, lipid-lowering and hypoglycemic substances mentioned in the summary of WP 2. Cox and Aalen models in practice was promoted in a press release by the MUW:

Other activities

  • Administrative activities for the Viennese Biometric Section of the Austrian-Swiss region of the International Biometric Society   

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